Alertness to the needs of others is the mark of the Vigil Honor. It calls for an individual with an unusual awareness of the possibilities within each situation.
The Vigil Honor is the highest honor that the Order of the Arrow can bestow upon its members for service to lodge, council, and Scouting. Membership cannot be won by a person’s conscious endeavors.
The Vigil Honor is a high mark of distinction and recognition reserved for those Arrowmen who, by reason of exceptional service, personal effort, and unselfish interest, have made distinguished contributions beyond the immediate responsibilities of their position of office to one or more of the following:
- Lodge
- Order of the Arrow
- Scouting community
- Scout Camp
>>Not sure you know everything about someone’s service, which unit they are registered with or other details about their involvement in Scouting? Go ahead and submit a nomination anyway. Give as much detail as you can and describe your reasons for submitting the nomination. The selection committee will fill in the details.<<
Under NO circumstances should tenure in Scouting or the Order of the Arrow be considered as reason enough for a Vigil Honor recommendation.
Any member of the Order of the Arrow registered in Scouting and in good standing in a regularly chartered lodge is eligible for recommendation to the National Order of the Arrow Committee for elevation to the Vigil Honor provided that, at the time of the recommendation, the individual has been a Brotherhood member for a minimum of two years. A lodge may nominate a maximum of two percent of their registered Arrowmen once a year, through the Vigil Honor petition, found in the annual re-charter packet. At least 50 percent of all nominated must be under 21 at the time of nomination.
Last Name | First Name | English Translation | Vigil Name | Year |
Hatton | Michael | Tachpachiwi Nag’atemen Takachsin | 2024 | |
Jones | Benjamin | Alappicchsin Nimat | 2024 | |
Lohnes | Levi | Gunaxit Nutiket Peptukquekhikenk | 2024 | |
Mullett | Graham | Achgeketum Witahemui | 2024 | |
Ragon | Keslyn | Ahowoapewi Ahoweli Quiquingus | 2024 | |
Reuter | Kris | Achigiuwen Elangomat | 2024 | |
Tharp | Ozric | Klamachpin Kotchemunk | 2024 | |
Zeller | Peter | Wischiki Kuweuchak Witscheman | 2024 | |
Martis | Collin |
Tall Friend of Nature
Gunaquot Elangomat Nachpikin | 2023 |
Maxwell | Tina |
Protecting Mother to All
Wuhhala Gahowes | 2023 |
Ragon | Ben |
Hard Working Loud Brother
Achowalogen Amangiechsin Nimat | 2023 |
Tharp | Olivia |
Woman Who Leads First
Ochqueu Takachsin Netami | 2023 |
Unger | Jack |
Cheerful Loud One
Wingolauchsik Amangichsin | 2023 |
Wright | Aidan |
Quiet One Who Serves
Klamachpin Allogagan | 2023 |
Johnson | Deborah | Spirited Wind | Wulantowagan Sukachsin | 2022 |
Lee | Matthew | Shaper of Metal | Gigshihan Sukachsin | 2022 |
Litwiller | JoAnn | Lively Voice of Nature | Achigiguwen Nachpikin | 2022 |
Twardowski | Thomas | Compassionate Artist | Najundam Gischeleman | 2022 |
Zettler | Nicholas | Dedicated Healing Archer | Kiken Leke Hattape | 2022 |
Greene | Jeffrey A. | Zealous Advisor | Skattek Witatschimolsin | 2021 |
Mathews | Joseph A. | Busy Musical Eagle | Wischiki Ehahpikwes Woapalanne | 2021 |
Nemec | Jacob P. | Happy Redheaded Brother | Lauchsoheen Meechgalhukquotnimat | 2021 |
Reynolds | Anthony E. | Smiling Brother | Wulamallessin Nimat | 2021 |
St. George | Austin | Cheerful Camping Owl | Wingolauchsik Mechmauwikenk Gokhos | 2021 |
Thomas | Ethan M. | Hard Working Bridge Builder | Achowalogen Tayaxkun Wikhetschik | 2021 |
Twardowski Jr. | Joseph M. | Great Fisherman from the North | Macheu Wendamen Lowaneu | 2021 |
Brown | Adam | Calm Minded Fox | Klamhattenamin Woakus | 2020 |
Draeger | Debbi | Thoughtful One Who Lifts Up | Pennauweleman Aspenummen | 2020 |
Husted | Conner | Humble Leader who Instructs | Gettemagelentakachsin Allohakasin | 2020 |
Jones | Owen | Cordial Willing One | Wdehiwi Nuwingi | 2020 |
Kauppi | Matthew | Reliable One Who Does Good Work | Nagatamen Wulalogewagan | 2020 |
Krause | Jens | Determined One Who Cares | Gischitehen Anatschiton | 2020 |
Nagle | John | Diligent Wolf | Lilchpin Wiechcheu | 2020 |
Ohler | Gary | Cheerful Esteemed One | Wingolauchsik Allowelendam | 2020 |
Olson | Gene | Wise Busy One | Lippoe Wischiki | 2020 |
Trantham | Tim | Leader Who Keeps A Promise | Takachsin Wulamoen | 2020 |
Anderson | Jarod | Compassionate Guide | Gettemageleman Kitchkinet | 2019 |
Hendriex | Terry | Fast Talking Dreamer | Allappiechsin Wulonqoam | 2019 |
Hoadley | Theresa | Spry Medicine Woman | Achewon Kikehuwet | 2019 |
Husted | Donald | Calm-Minded Spirit | Klanhattenamin Metschitschank | 2019 |
Miller | Paul | Dependable Passionate Worker | Ngemewi Segachtek Mikemossit | 2019 |
Palinkas | Joshua | Red-Haired Noisy One | Meechgalhukquot Achigiguwen | 2019 |
Schwalm | Douglas | Enlightened Fox | Gishachsummen Wulalowe | 2019 |
Clay II | George D | Leader of Many | Nelowauchsin Chweli | 2018 |
Cook | Timothy C | Loud Passionate Brother | Machiechsin Segactek Nimat | 2018 |
Hendricks | Johnathon A | Hardworking Happy Servant | Milkmossowagen Wulatenamenallogagen | 2018 |
Howard | Kolton J | Patient Turtle | Peuchtowagen Tulpe | 2018 |
Mathews | William A | Skillful Wise Father | Wowoatam Luppoe Wetochwink | 2018 |
Mathews | William T | One Who Creates With Hands | Majawat Gischihan | 2018 |
Oelkers | Phillip E | Experienced Healing Father | Wowoatam Kiken Wetochwink | 2018 |
Pritts | Nathan E | Humble Spirit | Tangelensuwi Metschitschank | 2018 |
Sinclair | James D | Observant Wise Man | Nechasin Wowoatammowino | 2018 |
Dalton | Michelle L | Diligent Wise Teacher | Lilchpin Lippoe Acgeketum | 2017 |
Shaffer | Aaron C | Ardent Dancer | Segachtek Gentgeen | 2017 |
DeFrees | Timothy A | Humble Gardner | Tachpachiwi Menhakehhamat | 2017 |
Oelkers | Paul R | Creative Chief | Gischeleman Wojauwe | 2017 |
Cook | Chance E | Humble Runner | Gettemagelensi Niganitawan | 2017 |
Golemon | Hayden R | Spirited Runner | Wischixin Niganitawan | 2017 |
McKim | Michael P | Lively Brother with Vision | Ngagiguwe Nimat Laschimuin | 2017 |
Baker | Jacob B | Lively Cook in Boots | Achigiguwen Wiechenin Wuskhaxen | 2016 |
Bevill | Dr. Robert S | Wise Medicine Man | Lippoe Meteu | 2016 |
Brown | Jacob A | Guide Who Looks to the Heavens | Kichkinet Pemapanik | 2016 |
Campbell | Ian M | Energetic Helper | Wischixin Witscheman | 2016 |
Hoadley | Eric P | Quick-Witted Traveler | Luppoewagan Misshakeuchet | 2016 |
Kreitler | Robert D | Sleepy Loud One | Gattung Machiechsin Mawat | 2016 |
Martin | Daniel M | Devoted Brother Who Cooks | Sagachtek Chans Sachgachtoon | 2016 |
Matteson | Luke D | Dependable Brother from the North | Ngemewi Nimat Lowaneu | 2016 |
Rosenberg | Michael R | Organized Leader of Many | Tschitanigachen Sachoaguntin | 2016 |
Smith | John-Paul A | Happy Wise Brother | Wulamallsin Lippoe Chans | 2016 |
Taylor | Bennett D | Cheerful Outdoorsman | Getteminak Kotschemunk Lenno | 2016 |
Yepsen | Richard L | Caring Bearded Bear | Wulatenamuwi Wuttoney Machque | 2016 |
Baker | John A | Friendly Hardworking Bear | Tgauchsin Achowalogen Machque | 2015 |
Brown | Joel E | Cheerful Father of Many | Wulatenamen Wetochwink Macheli | 2015 |
Broyles | Ian Maxwell | One of Clever Vision | Mawat Wilawi Wuschgink | 2015 |
Engstrom | Philip D | Observant Spirited Brother | Nechasin Segachtek Nimat | 2015 |
Fishel | Samuel F | A Scout Who Enjoys Teaching | Netopalis Apendamen Achgegingwagan | 2015 |
Geraghty | James A III | Teacher Who Leads By Clear Waters | Achgeketum Sachgagunummen Moschpek | 2015 |
Koll | Seth D | Organized One Who Walks With Nature | Tschitanigachen Pomsin Nachpikin | 2015 |
Majewski | Noah T | Friendly Diligent Worker | Langomuwinaxin Lilchpin Mikemossit | 2015 |
Parac | Matthew A | Quiet Helper | Klamachpin Witscheman | 2015 |
Pritts | Jon W | Tall Guide of Younger Brothers | Gunaxin Kichkinet Chesimus | 2015 |
Coyle | Casey M | Leader of Spirit | Kikeyjmagt Metschitschank | 2014 |
Heinz | Gary W | One Who Teaches Hands | Mawat Achgeketum Gischihan | 2014 |
Howard | James K | Tip of the Spear | Wiquiechink Notamaeishican | 2014 |
Lindley | Clayton D | Focused Leader | Majewelendam Kikeyjumagt | 2014 |
Nagle | Matthew R | Devout Leader | Wulistammoewagan Kikeyjumagt | 2014 |
Phillips | Margaret R | Patient Teacher | Tgauwitti Achgeketum | 2014 |
Raupp | Brian P | Humble Caretaker | Gettemagelensit Anatschiton | 2014 |
Walker | Vincent O | Northern Runner | Lowaneu Kschamehnellan | 2014 |
Weck | Jacob R | Cheerful Woods Dweller | Minschu Mehittuk Witachpin | 2014 |
Gray | Adam C | Cheerful Dreamer of Good Things | Getteminak Wulamquoan | 2013 |
Gurdian | Alexander J | Quiet Humble Brother | Clamachpin Gettemagelensi Nimat | 2013 |
Lane | Justin E | Active Spirited Leader | Wischixin Achwon Kikeyjumagt | 2013 |
Miller | Robert S | Big Teddy Bear | Amangi Amemens Machque | 2013 |
Raupp | Nicholas M | Organized Brother | Tschitanigachen Nimat | 2013 |
Fishel | Scott M | Teacher of Leaders | Achgeketum Kikeyjumagt | 2013 |
Giusti | Steven J | One Who Quenches Fire | Atenkpatton | 2013 |
Hudson | Roberta J | Mountain Walker | Wachtschu Pemsit | 2013 |
Kimbrell | Bruce A | Laughing One Who Knows Hard Work | Gilkissin Wunita Achuwalogen | 2013 |
Watts | James F | Quiet Bearded One | Klamachpin Tuney | 2013 |
Erlenbush | Pamela K | Carver of Wood | Gischkschummen Tachan | 2012 |
Gray | Daniel P | Endurance Runner | Ahowoapewi Kschamehhellan | 2012 |
Hamm | Philip A | Hammed | Poam | 2012 |
Kimbrell | Ryan A | Straight Visioned | Majawi Laquamwagon | 2012 |
Lueschow | Jessop T | Diligent Willing Red Haired One | Lilchpin Meechgalhukquot Majawat | 2012 |
Rocke | Jacob D | Big Hearted Fisherman | Amangi Wdehin Wendamen | 2012 |
Seaman | Zachariah N | Animal Keeper | Allum Nochnutemaliuwet | 2012 |
Sinclair | David J | One Holding an Office | Lileno | 2012 |
Weck | Alexander H | Teacher of Traditions | Achgeketum Lilenowagan | 2012 |
Briggs | Robert W | Loyal Trainer | Leke Achgeketum | 2012 |
Allen | Ian M | Dependable Servant To All | Ngemewi Allogagan Chweli | 2011 |
Biresaw | Aaron A | Fisherman Of Still Waters | Wendamen Klapeechen | 2011 |
Fricke | Brandon L | One Who Answers The Call To Service | Nachgoman Wentschintin Witahemui | 2011 |
Garrison | Matthew C | One Who Confidently Speaks The Truth | Nageuchsowagan Ktschillachton | 2011 |
Gray | Michael T | He Who Leads With A Vision | Takachsin Laquamwagon | 2011 |
Greene | Joshua A | He Who Brings Together Friends | Mawenemen Nittis | 2011 |
Lees | Christian W | He Who Silently Seeks To Serve | Tschitqui Nodoniken Allogagen | 2011 |
Maughan | Logan D | One Who Kindled The Spirit Of Service | Nachxummen Wulantowagan Witahemui | 2011 |
Wallace | Craig A | Humble Vigilant Worker | Tangitehewi Nechasin Achowalogen | 2011 |
Adcock | Therry G | Inspiring Outdoorsman | Gihim Kotschemucnk Lenno | 2011 |
Coe | David A | One Who Humbly Gives Back | Gettemagelensit Guttgennemen | 2011 |
Dieken | Kevin | He Who Works With Great Speed | Mickemassin Mechek Kschihillen | 2011 |
Haas | Clyde B | Strong Hearted Fox | Achewon Wdee Wulalowe | 2011 |
Nelson | Ralph T | Doctor Who Builds Towards Tomorrow | Meteu Wikheu Liwi Alappa | 2011 |
Sterner | Martin A | Ardent Worker | Segachtek Achowalogen | 2011 |
Lohr | Nathaniel | Swimming Cricket | Aschowin Zelozelos | 2011 |
Avina | Roberto | Advocate for Many | Wulaptonaelchukquonk Chweli | 2010 |
Beck | Alex | One Who Pursues His Dreams | Nawalan Lonquamwagan | 2010 |
Brown | Ben | He Who Helps a Brother in Need | Witscheman Nundehhellan | 2010 |
Coleman | Trudy | Great Spirit’s Gift | Getanittowit Miltowagan | 2010 |
Conner | Nathaniel | Soft Speaking Medicine Man | Wtakeu Alaaptonen Meteu | 2010 |
Cosgrove | Nicholas | Good Natured Teacher | Tgauchsin Achgeketum | 2010 |
Humphrey | Wesley | He Who Inspires Laughter | Gihim Gilkissin | 2010 |
James | David | Humble Bearded Worker | Tangitehewi Wuttoney Mikemossin | 2010 |
Kauffman | Robert | He Who Holds True to His Vision | Gelen’nin Leke Loquamwagon | 2010 |
Lang | Mickey | Wise Father to All | Wewoatam Wetochwink Chweli | 2010 |
Maddox | Andrew | High Minded One Who Dances | Machelensin Gentgeen | 2010 |
Taylor | Vern | Quiet One Who Gives Back | Klamachpin Guttgennemen | 2010 |
Todd | Herb | He Who Quietly Bears the Burden | Klamachpin Najundam | 2010 |
Bangert | Jonathan | One Who Prepares For a Journey | Nimawanachen | 2009 |
Beck | Frank | Helper of Youth | Wuskalenape Witscheman | 2009 |
Bloompott | Robert | Voice of the Spirit | Pehpemetunhet | 2009 |
Fishel | Andrew | Dreamer of Good Things | Wulamquoan | 2009 |
Hamm | Stephen | Leader to Tomorrow | Nemen Woapange | 2009 |
Maddox | William A R | He Who Stands for the Truth | Lenu Wulapeju | 2009 |
Meyers | Joshua L | Lofty Climber | Hokunk Hitai Akhusu | 2009 |
Smith | Ben Clifford | Messenger Who Delivers | Elogamgussit Nihillasohen | 2009 |
Ziemniak | Daniel | Loud Speaking Little Man | Amangiechsin Lenotit | 2009 |
Brunk | William | Friendly Quiet Leader | Tgauchsin Klamachpin Takachsin | 2008 |
Drake | Nolan | One Who Creates With His Hands | Gischihan | 2008 |
Knapp | Daniel | One Who Shines | Petasummawan | 2008 |
Rodda | Alan | North Traveler | Lowaneu Memsochet | 2008 |
Schroeder | Gerry | One Who Advocates Our Cause | Wulaptonaelchukuonk | 2008 |
Sterner | Brett | Deep Water Dreamer | Chuppecut Lungwamen | 2008 |
Wright | Matthew L | Spiritual Singer | Wtschitschanquiwi Nachgohuman | 2008 |
Dhesse | Michael | Singing Duck | Nachgohuman Quiquingus | 2007 |
Stroh | Matthew | One Who Designs With the Mind | Gischeleman | 2007 |
Wilfinger | Keith | Warriors Proud Son | Netopalis Machelensin Quis | 2007 |
Zuercher | Phillip | Quiet Companion Leader | Klamachpin Nitis Takachsin | 2007 |
Biggs | Jason | Laughing One Who Knows Hard Work | Gilkissin Wunita Achuwalogen | 2006 |
Fishel | Alex | Keeper of the Spirit | Nochnutemaliuwet Wulantowagan | 2006 |
Fishel | Cathy | One Who Gives Life | Lehellechemhaluwet | 2006 |
Garman | Zach | Friendly One Who Growls | Tgaukhsin Ganschewen | 2006 |
Kirchgessner | Ron | One Who Cures | Kikehuwet | 2006 |
Smith | James David | He Who Speaks Truly | Wulamoc | 2006 |
Stensland | Eric | He Who Returns | Apatschin | 2006 |
Taylor | Caleb | Music Walker | Achipiquon Pemsit | 2006 |
West | Matthew | Guide of the Brotherhood | Kichkinet Wimachtendink | 2006 |
Behle | Max | Running Wolf | Kschamehhellan Mtimmeu | 2005 |
Brownfield | Gregory B | Challenging Teacher Of Leaders | Nachgiechen Achgeketum Kikeyjumhet | 2005 |
Freed | Timothy | Friendly Foundation Builder | Nimat Epigachink Wikhetschik | 2005 |
Ganze | Dominic | Passionate Rock Warrior | Segachtek Pemapuchk Topalowilenno | 2005 |
Hall | Ellen | Gentle Friend | Wulamehelleu Elangomat | 2005 |
Lear | Robert G | Strong Helpful Fireman | Achewon Witscheman Atenkpatton | 2005 |
Lowman | Joshua Matthew | Humble Keeper Of The Outdoors | Metelensit Nutikit Tekene | 2005 |
Moore | Jimmy M | He Who Honors His Forefathers | Amentschinsin Scheychellat | 2005 |
Perry | Scott N | He Who Ardently Outruns The Fire | Segachtek Nichala Tindey | 2005 |
Pottoff | Scott D | Diligent Worker Who Arrives Early | Lilchpin Achowalogen Gachkappawi | 2005 |
Sanders | Steven D | Leisurely Friend Who Spreads Cheer | Ksinachpin Nitis Wulamallessohalid | 2005 |
Smith | Mark L | Strong Hunting Eagle | Achewon Mauwallauwin Woapalanne | 2005 |
Bare | Jeff | Tall Willing Laborer | Ganaxit Lilchpin Mikemossit | 2004 |
Daniels | Valorie J | She Who Love Fireflies | Ahoaltuwi Sasppis | 2004 |
Fatka | Kory | Little Fire Builder | Tatchen Tindeuchen | 2004 |
Horst | Gerald | He Who Makes Others Happy | Wulamallessohaluwed | 2004 |
Morrow | Samuel | Quiet Teacher And Camper | Tschitqui Achgeketum Mechmauwikenk | 2004 |
Roger | Daniel L | Light Haired And Hearted One | Waseleu Miechheken Ngutti | 2004 |
Roger | Danny M | Joyful Eagle | Wulelelendamuwi Wapalanne | 2004 |
Sellers | Bill | Wise Snow Bear | Lippoe Guhn Machque | 2004 |
Beverage | Darren | Collector Of Rare Threads | Mawachpo Ndauwat Pimenatan | 2003 |
Buettner | Ronald | He Who Chooses To Labor | Achgegenummen Achkindiken | 2003 |
Dunn | Randal | One Who Seeks To Kindle The Fire | Ndoniken Nachxummawan | 2003 |
Ethridge | William | The Ink Of The Arrow | Ehelekhetonk Alluns | 2003 |
Lane | Denny | Wise Thunderbird | Lippoe Pedhakquon Awehhelleu | 2003 |
Lindahl | Jason | He Who Is Called Still Water | Elewunsit Klampeechen | 2003 |
Lindahl | John | One Who Humbly Carries A Load | Tangelensin Wiwaschin | 2003 |
Norin | Jonathon | One With Grass At His Feet | Skiquall Seksitechink | 2003 |
Riopell | Steven | Confident Camp Chief | Majewelendam Mechmauwikenk Sakima | 2003 |
Stroud | Philip | He That Seeks To Be Most Worthy | Elachtoniket Eluwi Elgixin | 2003 |
Vollmer | Steve | Uncle Who Hunts Arrowheads | Schiess Alluns Ehalowit | 2003 |
Bond | William F Jr | Willing Worker | Nuwingi Achowalogen | 2002 |
Edmonds | James D | Amusing Buffalo | Klakaptonaganall Sisilija | 2002 |
Fatka | James | Father of Eagles | Wetochwink Woapalanne | 2002 |
Flagg | Nick | Peaceful One | Langundowi | 2002 |
Fricke | Matthew | Strong Quiet One | Achewon Klamachpin | 2002 |
Horst | Luke | Lively Singer | Achgiguwen Nachgohuman | 2002 |
Lander | Roger E | Quiet Listener | Klamachpin Glistam | 2002 |
Lane | David | One Who Tells Our Story | Wulaptonaelchukquonk | 2002 |
Noll | Luann D | One Who Loves the Outdoors | Ahoaltuwi Kotschemunk | 2002 |
Rosenberg | David | Swift Messenger | Kschihillen Elogamgussit | 2002 |
Alesandrini | Dominic M | One Who Gives Back | Guttgennemen | 2001 |
Cantrell | Stephen P | Active Adviser | Wischixin Witatschimoisin | 2001 |
Flagg | Charles L | Shaper Of Clay And Minds | Gischihan Assisku Klamhattenamin | 2001 |
Goetz | Keith A | Happy Teacher | Lauchsoheen Achgeketum | 2001 |
Hadden | Nicholaus L | Young Wolf | Chesimus Wiechcheu | 2001 |
Hartshorn | Zachary | Black-Bearded Camper | Sukeu Tuney Mechmauwikenk | 2001 |
Long | Paul R | Lean Otter | Wachganessu Guammochk | 2001 |
Martin | Jon | Son of Good Natured One | Quis Tgauchsin | 2001 |
Netzke | Kristopher N | Gentle One | Wulamehelleu | 2001 |
Villiger | Kyle J | Tall Active One | Gunaquot Wischixin | 2001 |
Wilcoxen | Dan | Woodworker’s Teacher | Giskhaquen Achgeketum | 2001 |
Wilkinson | Paul | Loyal Leader | Leke Takachsin | 2001 |
Daniels | Leslie A | Generous One Who Cooks | Wilawilihan Sachgachtoon | 2000 |
Hattermann | Troy A | Trusted Messenger | Nagatamen Elogamgussit | 2000 |
Howell | Mathew E | He Who Speaks Our Cause | Wulaptonaelchukquonk | 2000 |
Kietzman | Matthew | Friendly Otter | Tgauchsin Gunnammochk | 2000 |
Lonn | Alan H | Tall Traveler | Gunaquot Nipahwochen | 2000 |
Riopell | Michael R | Skillful Woodpecker | Wowoatam Papaches | 2000 |
Scott | Richard J | Skillful Searcher | Wowoatam Lattoniken | 2000 |
Wilson | Christopher M | Determined Strong Fireman | Gischitehen Achewon Atenkpatton | 2000 |
Estrada | Alex | Sensitive Warrior | Amandamuwi Netopalis | 1999 |
Estrada | Jesse L | Quiet Hard Worker | Klamachpin Achowalogen | 1999 |
Fatka | Eric | Willful Capable One | Ahoweli Tschitanissowagen | 1999 |
Fierce | Edward D | Babbling Cook | Wewingtonheet Sachgachtoon | 1999 |
Glenn | James R | Tall Assistant Chief | Gunaquot Witawematpanni Sakima | 1999 |
Hadden | Catherine A | Smiling Giving Dancer | Gilkissin Wilawilihan Gentgeen | 1999 |
Kittell | Kirk W | Swift Running Chief | Kschihillen Kschamehhellan Sakima | 1999 |
McCamy | Rich “Butch” | Walking Hawk | Nechochwen Meechgalanne | 1999 |
Villiger | Kristropher J | Tall Reliable One | Gunaquot Nagatamen | 1999 |
Vonderhaar | Alan T | Helpful Friend | Witscheman Elangomat | 1999 |
Young | Mark A | Willing Hand | Nuwingi Witschindin | 1999 |
Davis | Eric A | Able Thin Flying Squirrel | Wunita Waskeu Blaknik | 1998 |
Guede | Emiel F Jr | Good Natured Creator of Buildings | Tgauchsin Gischihan Wikhetschik | 1998 |
Hempstead | Ray | Good Natured Quiet One | Tgauchsin Klamachpin | 1998 |
Howell | Donna | Quiet Load Carrier | Klamachpin Najundam | 1998 |
Jatkowski | Robert | Humble Builder | Gettemagelensit Wekhitschik | 1998 |
McCamy | Waylon | Dancing Buffalo Walking | Gentgeen Sisilija Pemsit | 1998 |
Murray | Ronald | Gentle Bear Dancer | Wulamalless Machque Gentgeen | 1998 |
Noble | Michael M | Cheerful Teacher | Lauchsoheen Achgeketum | 1998 |
Turner | Robert II | One Who Sings and Dances | Nachgohuman Gentgeen | 1998 |
Ackerman | Tim | Able Active One | Wunita Wischixin | 1997 |
Emerson | Robert | Hard Worker Who Creates With Hands | Achowalogen Gischihan | 1997 |
Fatka | Phillip | Camper Instructor | Mechmauwikenk Allohakasin | 1997 |
Jatkowski | Thomas | Strong Swimmer | Achewon Aschowin | 1997 |
Martin | Michael L | Good Natured One | Tgauschin | 1997 |
Marzano | Edward | Excited Younger Brother | Glakelendam Chisimus | 1997 |
Murray | Russell | Encouraging Drumbeater | Gihim Pohanasin | 1997 |
Raydon | Michael | Enlightening Writer | Gischachsummen Lekhiket | 1997 |
Schoenherr | Tyler | Cheerful Gray Fox | Wulamallessin Woakus | 1997 |
Weber | Brandon | Steady Speaker | Clamhattenmoagan Lachpiechsin | 1997 |
Ackerman | Donald C | Experienced Giver of First Aid | Lippoe Achibis | 1996 |
Brewer | Dwayne E Sr | Quiet Trader | Klamachpin Memhallmund | 1996 |
Eaves | Christopher | Persevering Leader | Tschitanitehen Takachsin | 1996 |
Estrada | Joey | Trusted Load Carrier | Nagatamen Najundam | 1996 |
Hilliard | Mark A Jr | Silent Deer Hunter | Tschitgussin Atschu Elauwit | 1996 |
Kelly | Brian | Reverent One | Achewon | 1996 |
Kietzman | Andrew | He Who Assists Campers | Witschindin Mechmauwikenk | 1996 |
Maus | Gregory C | Bearded Planner | Tuney Wulowachtauwoapin | 1996 |
McConnell | Ryan | Redheaded Drum Beater | Meechgalhuquot Pohonasin | 1996 |
Peterson | Tom | Eagle Dancer | Woapalanne Gentgeen | 1996 |
Pope | Stanley B | Diligent Friend | Lilchpin Elangomat | 1996 |
Williamson | Wilbur H | Honorable Collector | Wulapeju Mawachpo | 1996 |
Ackerman | John | Good Natured Treasurer | Tgauchsin Mawachpo | 1995 |
Balagna | Larry W | Red Bearded Woodcutter | Machkeu Tuney Giskhaquen | 1995 |
Hedlin | George IV | Friendly Guide | Tgauchsin Kichkinet | 1995 |
Keeran | Edward E | Wood Cutting Counselor | Manachewagan Atschimolsin | 1995 |
Keeran | Robert E | Torch Carrier Overseer | Nendawen Genachgihat | 1995 |
Lehmann | Steven | Camp Chief | Mechmauwikenk Sakima | 1995 |
Maguire | Roy L | He Who Makes Arrows | Gischihan Alluns | 1995 |
Maus | Ryan Nicholas | Quiet Helper | Klamachpin Witschindin | 1995 |
Mueller | Len | Accomplished Gardener | Pakantschiechen Menhakehhamat | 1995 |
Sabin | Clint W | Earnest Honorable Leader | Kittelendamwagan Wulapeju Takachsin | 1995 |
Schindler | Alan L | One Who Encourages Younger Brothers | Gihim Chesimus | 1995 |
Villiger | Kenneth J | Big Hearted Farmer | Amangi Wdee Hakihet | 1995 |
Dace | Jeffery R | Eager Friendly Eagle | Kittlelendamwagan Tgauchsin | 1994 |
Gartland | John J | Honorable Reliable Warrior | Wulapeju Nagatamen Metopalis | 1994 |
Hedlin | George R III | Friendly Leader Of Boys (awarded posthumously) | TgauchsinTackachsin Skahenso | 1994 |
Lakin | David E | Maker Of Chief’s Clothing | Gischihan Sakima Ehachquink | 1994 |
Marzano | Anthony | Able Confident Leader | 1994 | |
Parsano | Brian W | Reliable Humble Opossum | Nagatamen Gettemagelensit Woapink | 1994 |
Sullivan | Brian | Quiet Hard Working Friend | Klamachpin Achowalogen Elangomat | 1994 |
Villiger | Karl J | Helpful Tall Companion | Witscheman Gunaquot Nitis | 1994 |
Walsh | Kevin | Hard Working Bearded Hunter | Achowalogen Tuney Elauwit | 1994 |
Bokenewicz | Michael | Quiet Uplifting Leader | Klamachpin Aspenummen Takachsin | 1993 |
Broughton | Gary | Load Carrying Fireman | Najundam Atenkpatton | 1993 |
Broughton | Greg | He Who Leads By Working | Takachsin Achowalogen | 1993 |
Hartman | Justin | Ardent Singing Owl | Segachtek Nachgohuman Gokhos | 1993 |
Hilliard | Mark Sr | Diligent Medicine Man Assistant | Lilchpin Meteu Witawematpanni | 1993 |
Beyer | Ross | Strong Capable Leader | Achewon Tschitanissowagan Takachsin | 1992 |
Bolton | Raymond | Friendly Quiet Hard Worker | Tgauchsin Klamachpin Achowalogen | 1992 |
Breckenridge | Jamie | Big Amusing Drum Beater | Amangi Klakaptonaganall Pohonasin | 1992 |
Horn | Herbert Jr | Active Camping Buffalo | Wischixin Mechmauwikenk Sisilija | 1992 |
Horn | Jason | Quiet Strong Swimmer | Klamachpin Achewon Aschowin | 1992 |
Sandman | Harold Glen | Determined Fire Maker | Gischitihen Tindeuchen | 1992 |
Butcher | Jerry A | Amusing Servant of the Lord | Klakaptonaganall Allogagan Nehellatank | 1991 |
Davis | Jeff | Swift Quiet One | Kschihillen Klamachpin | 1991 |
Davis | John A | Giddy One | Gagiwanantpehellan | 1991 |
Davis | Tim | He Who Endures Pain | Mamchachwelendam | 1991 |
Green | John D | Caring Bearded Hiker | Anatschiton Tuney Achpamsin | 1991 |
Lauterbach | Melvin | He Who Serves Carpenters | Allogagan Gendatehundin | 1991 |
Snyder | Paul | Loud Speaking Torch Carrier | Amangiechsin Nendawen | 1991 |
Davis | Don L Jr | Active Broad Badger | Wischixin Achgameu Gawi | 1990 |
Davis | Gary A | Quick Tall Reliable One | Allapijeyjuwagan Gunaquot Nagatamen | 1990 |
Davis | Kim A | Torch Carrier Adviser | Nendawen Witatschimoisin | 1990 |
Eertmoed | Ron | Turtle Dancer | Tulpe Gentgeen | 1990 |
Ellis | Jamie | Good Natured Writer | Tgauchsin Lekhhiket | 1990 |
Ringel | Richard A | Quiet Hard Worker | Klamachpin Achowalogen | 1990 |
Rogalla | Paul | North Rock Camper | Lowaneu Achsin Mechmauwikenk | 1990 |
Shanks | Robert G | Steady Warrior | Clamhattenmoagen Netopalis | 1990 |
Wojda | James | Willing Reliable Chief | Nuwingi Nagatamen Sakima | 1990 |
Bjerke | Robert A | Fire Breathing Excitable Wasp | Tindeuchen Glakelendam Amoe | 1989 |
Bruch | Daniel R | Hard Working Writer | Achowalogen Lekhiket | 1989 |
Gryp | Kevin | Forgetful Clown | Wunnessin Gebstchaat | 1989 |
Hickle | William | Quiet Hard Worker | Klamachpin Achowalogen | 1989 |
Redenius | Ronald | Active Bearded Camper | Wischixin Tuney Mechmauwikenk | 1989 |
Sapp | Billie B | Load Bearing Bull | Achgiguwen Chuppecat Memsochet | 1989 |
Stanley | Gary N | Wokanda Overseer | 1989 | |
Stanley | Jason | Walking Bear | 1989 | |
Wahl | Chad | Noisy Torch Carrier | Tschitgussin | 1989 |
Young | Chad | Witty Younger Brother | Genachgihat | 1989 |
Brown | Tim | Reliable Owl | 1988 | |
Daughty | Richard H Sr | He Who Has Endurance | Ahowoapewi | 1988 |
Deiter | Robert | Silent Dancer | Tschitgussin Gentgeen | 1988 |
Fulton | Larry | Teacher Of Child Campers | Achgeketum Amemens Mechauwikenk | 1988 |
Goodale | Mike | Little Warrior | Tatchen Netopalis | 1988 |
Parsons | Darrell | Farsighted Bullfrog | Klamachpin Gunammochk | 1988 |
Parsons | Joseph Jay | Quick Otter | 1988 | |
Smith | Russell L | He Who Makes Leaders | 1988 | |
Snyder | Jason | Large Hungry One | 1988 | |
Snyder | Jay Morton | Quick Thinker | 1988 | |
Butcher | Donald J | Humble Active Wise One | Gettemagelensit Wischixin Lippoe | 1987 |
Kaiser | Donald C | One Who Instructs with Authority | 1987 | |
Metzler | Scott | Noisy Clown | 1987 | |
Roudebush | Gary | Singing Bear | Nachgohuman Machque | 1987 |
Sapp | Paul B | Loud Deep Water Traveler | 1987 | |
Stone | Bill Jr | Tall Funny Talking Story | Gunaauot Wewingtonheet Achsinnigeu | 1987 |
Babcock | Ty | Strong Willing Worker | 1986 | |
Emig | Edward L | Two Cap Worker | Nischa Allquapi Achowalogen | 1986 |
Holloway | Curtis | Runner For The Brotherhood | Kschamehhellan Wimachtendienk | 1986 |
Kernan | J Michael | Red Headed Teacher | Meechqalhukquct Achgeketum | 1986 |
Schumacher | William | Tall First Aider | 1986 | |
Stutzman | Brian | Big Silent Servant | Amangi Tschitggussin Allogagan | 1986 |
Tucker | Todd | One Who Serves With Determination | 1986 | |
Young | Richard | Gray Haired Assistant Advisor | 1986 | |
Young | Scott | Calm Minded Leader | 1986 | |
Butcher | Don | Thoughtful Trader | 1985 | |
Johnson | William | Good Natured Twin Worker | 1985 | |
Norman | Dave | Long Lazy Weasel | 1985 | |
Rothschild | Ruben | Red Topped Bald Headed One | Meechgalhukquot Moschakantpeu | 1985 |
Sampson | Tom | Loud Shuffling Shark | 1985 | |
Shadid | Tim | Earnest Overseer | Kittelendamwagan Genachgihat | 1985 |
Shenaut | Donald F | One Redheaded Joyful Talker | 1985 | |
Starling | Jim | He Who Is Ready To Test | Gischhatten Alachimuin | 1985 |
Stobaugh | Mike | Active Bearded Camper | Wischixin Tuney Mechmauwikenk | 1985 |
Voice | William D | Dove Singer | Amimi Nachgohuman | 1985 |
Waller | Randall | Happy Frog | 1985 | |
Hammer | Robert | One Who Endures Pain | 1984 | |
Johnson | Paul | One Who Cares For Bears (One Who Care For Bear) | 1984 | |
Kelch | William | Son Of Cook | 1984 | |
Mitchell | Allan | Mighty Collector | 1984 | |
Sorensen | Matthew | Good Natured Older Brother | 1984 | |
Upper | Brian S | One Who Protests | 1984 | |
Warren | Wally | Happy One | 1984 | |
Warren | Walter | Foremost Eater | 1984 | |
Broquard | Dave | Loyal Traveler | 1983 | |
Feucht | Joel D | Tall Deep Talker | 1983 | |
Glassmeyer | Don | Reliable Big Worker | 1983 | |
Harris | Glenn | Rock Of North Spirit | Achsin Lowaneu Wulanyuwagan | 1983 |
Lasik | Steve | He Who Makes Camping | 1983 | |
Miller | Tom | Modest Otter | Tachpachiwi Gunammochk | 1983 |
Molohon | Michael | Along The Bank Worker | 1983 | |
Pickerill | Brian | Capable Warrior | 1983 | |
Pickerill | Dave | One Who Waits | 1983 | |
Sorensen | Chad | Bright Younger Brother | 1983 | |
Stoner | Burton | Strong Camping Spirit | 1983 | |
Adams | Rex | He Who Is Prepared | 1982 | |
Blasek | John | One Who Exerts Himself | Wischixin | 1982 |
Dillefeld | Mark | Carver Of Wood | 1982 | |
Green | Marty | Cautious Book Reader | 1982 | |
Jeffers | Scott J | Fast Talker | Alappiechsin | 1982 |
Kunz | James F | One Who Is Ready | 1982 | |
Mancuso | Anthony | He Who Remembers | 1982 | |
Sipes | Vern | Eagle Maker | 1982 | |
Spellman | Edward L | One Who Has Humility | 1982 | |
Steenrod | Richard | Camper Authority | 1982 | |
Whitlock | Richard M | Agreeable One | 1982 | |
Dial | Mark A | Excitable Boy | 1981 | |
Fink | James | He Who Returns | Apatschin | 1981 |
Franch | Kenneth | Knowledgeable One | 1981 | |
Hall | Greg | Buzzard Cooker | 1981 | |
Hebner | Theodore J | Instructor | Allohakasin | 1981 |
Johnson | H Laurence | Powerful Noise Maker | Allohak Achgiguwen | 1981 |
Knake | William E | Good Natured One | Tgauschin | 1981 |
Krug | Michael E | Seventh Hat | 1981 | |
Wake | Joedy | Spirit Keeper | 1981 | |
Dennis | Jack W | Fast Talker | Alappiechsin | 1979 |
Morgan | Arthur | One Who Gives Service | Allogagan | 1979 |
Briel | Jon W | Big Thumper | Amangi Pohonasin | 1978 |
Dennis | Clyde R | Sleepy One | Gachtonkquoam | 1978 |
Fox | John | Babbler | Wewingtonheet | 1978 |
Hebner | Greg | Bronze Water Watcher | Machkachsin Mbi Nochnatemaliuwet | 1978 |
Hebner | James M | Broken Pine Tree | Poquiechen Cuwe | 1978 |
Kelch | Allen J | Grave Box Sleeper | Poklakenikan Wiquey Gewit | 1978 |
Raney | Lynn G | One Who Advocates Our Course | Wulaptonaelchukquouk | 1978 |
Sinclair | Henry B | Poison Parsnip | Putschisktey Pepachgank | 1978 |
Beals | Leonard W Sr | Weasel | Sanquen | 1977 |
Berkel | Steve | Turtle | 1977 | |
Gurtler | Gary | Skillful Cook | 1977 | |
Gustafson | David | First One | 1977 | |
Jones | David A | Runner | 1977 | |
Jones | David G | Balding Eagle | 1977 | |
Lankton | Steve | Active One | Wischixin | 1977 |
Leibold | Joseph P | Bullfrog | Oleleu | 1977 |
McCutchen | Robert R | Engineer | 1977 | |
Owens | Harry C | Bearded One | 1977 | |
Adams | Mark | Business Manager | Natshitaquick | 1976 |
Deffenbaugh | Paul R | Tall Turtle | Gunaquot | 1976 |
Deibert | Robert D | Helpful One | Witscheman | 1976 |
Dekowski | William A | Servant Of The Lord | Allogagan Nehellatank | 1976 |
Eplin | Denny | One Who Sings | Nachgohuman | 1976 |
Gessel | Raymond C | Quiet Toiler | Klamachpin Aclowalogen | 1976 |
Houlihan | William J | He Who Has Endurance | Ahowoapewi | 1976 |
Kuykendall | Scott | Long One | Amuga | 1976 |
Looney | James J | One Who Does Good Work | Wulalogewagan | 1976 |
Nieslawski | Steve | High Minded One | Machelensin | 1976 |
Roper | Willard | White Oak | Wipunquoak | 1976 |
Smith | Raymond T | Big Little Man | Amangi Lennotit | 1976 |
Tennis | Richard L | Smiler | Wulamallessin | 1976 |
Brown | Mike | Writer | 1975 | |
Coleman | Michael P | Fisherman | Wendamen | 1975 |
Cridlebaugh | Dick | Big Little Man | 1975 | |
Fine | Bill | Lodge Secretary | 1975 | |
Gardner | William J | Loyal One | Leke | 1975 |
Lane | Michael | Stumbler | Sakquelendamen Pemsit | 1975 |
Leibold | Joseph E | He Who Is Concerned | Lachauweleman | 1975 |
McCrosky | Charles | One Who Instructs | 1975 | |
Overturf | Daniel | Hiker | 1975 | |
Pugh | John | Red Headed One | Meechgalhukquot | 1975 |
Rohman | Keith | Quiet One | 1975 | |
Sampo | Jerry E | Strong One | 1975 | |
Buck | Ken | Steady As A Rock | 1974 | |
DuChesne | Mel | Companion | 1974 | |
Hafley | Raymond Jr | Hard Worker | 1974 | |
Hoenes | John | He Who Is Concerned | 1974 | |
McKean | James | Big Bird | 1974 | |
Pfister | Leo | One In Authority | 1974 | |
Puckett | Robert | Overseer | 1974 | |
Pusch | Andrew A | He Who Has Endurance | Ahowoapewi | 1974 |
Rhode | James | Fast Talker | Alappiechsin | 1974 |
Stuttle | James | Torch Carrier | 1974 | |
Buck | Ernest | One Who Comes Back | 1973 | |
Campbell | Charles | Builder | Wikhetschik | 1973 |
Duncanson | Alan S | Destitate Of Hair Scalper | 1973 | |
Fuller | Marvin | Traveler | Memsochet | 1973 |
Fuller | Wendall O | Trader | Memhallmund | 1973 |
Hafley | Raymond Sr | Active One | Wischixin | 1973 |
Hafley | Richard | One Who Does Good Work | Wulalogewagan | 1973 |
Harrison | Joe | Active One | Wischixin | 1973 |
Lankton | James | Builder | 1973 | |
Michlavic | Jay | Head Chief | 1973 | |
Rhodes | Steve | One Who Has Authority | 1973 | |
Sprick | Doug | One Who Does Good Work | Wulalogewagan | 1973 |
Weishaar | Norbert L | Determined One | 1973 | |
In 1973, Wenasa Quenhotan Lodge was established, when Kashapiwigamak, Nee-Schook, and Potawatomie Lodges | ||||
Behnke | John A | One Who Creates With Hands | Gischihan | 1972 |
Bryant | Robert B | Gardner | 1972 | |
Cook | Rick | Witty One | 1972 | |
Dawson | George K | A Flame | 1972 | |
Day | William G | One Who Is Respectable | 1972 | |
Duncanson | Thomas | A Chief | 1972 | |
Dyer | William F | One Who Enjoys | Apendamen | 1972 |
Feugen | Hugo | Little Canoe | 1972 | |
Gross | Gary | Experienced One | 1972 | |
Looney | Charles B | Large Fish | Amangamek | 1972 |
Mellott | Alvin H | Earnest One | 1972 | |
Minard | William | The Black Jumper The Field Cricket | 1972 | |
Orr | Larry | Rock | Achsin | 1972 |
Ross | William S | Redheaded One | Meechgalhukquot | 1972 |
Rowland | Paul | One Who Gets Attention | Papenauwelendam | 1972 |
Sipes | Willis E | Black Medicine Coffee | 1972 | |
Stenzel | Carl R | One Who Is Able | 1972 | |
Vallosio | Jeffrey | One Who Is Able To Accomplish | Ohika | 1972 |
Crank | Dale | Third | 1971 | |
Dyer | John | Bear | Machque | 1971 |
Griffith | Glenn E | Toiler | 1971 | |
Jury | Michael | Veterinarian | 1971 | |
Krones | Thomas E | Cook | Sachgahtoon | 1971 |
Lay | Melvin | Tall One | Gunaquot | 1971 |
Maxwell | Eugene L | One Who Strengthens | Tschitanissohen | 1971 |
Nolan | Gary N | Fast Talker | Alappiechsin | 1971 |
Palia | Charles | Teacher | 1971 | |
Stith | Wayne | Helpful One | Witscheman | 1971 |
Turbett | Thomas | Runner Fast Runner | 1971 | |
Crank | Keith | Modest One | 1970 | |
Cusick | Tom | Tall One | 1970 | |
Deffenbaugh | John II | Reliable One | Nagatamen | 1970 |
Fuller | Owen W | He Who Has Endurance | Ahowoapewi | 1970 |
Gerard | Kenneth | Happy | 1970 | |
Larsen | Karl | Perplexed One | Ksukquamalisin | 1970 |
Phillips | George | Chosen Leader | 1970 | |
Satchwell | Larry | Mountain | Wachtschu | 1970 |
Sellman | A Wayne | Peaceful One | Langundowi | 1970 |
Sipes | Steve | Gentle One | Wulamehelleu | 1970 |
Stenger | Steve | He Who Serves | Allogagan | 1970 |
Vehlo | Paul | Competent Dancer | 1970 | |
Bishop | Garry | One Who Persuades | 1969 | |
Caughey | Michael J | He Who Has Good Spirits | 1969 | |
Conver | Michael | Teacher | 1969 | |
Daane | E Richard | Valued Assistant | 1969 | |
Donahue | Mike | Helpful One | 1969 | |
Dunn | William | Active One | Wischixin | 1969 |
Goffrier | Ted | The Steady One | 1969 | |
Gross | Donald | Active One | Wischixin | 1969 |
Klieber | Richard Sr | One Who Cares | 1969 | |
Lucas | James | Fast Runner | 1969 | |
Moore | Randy | Friendly One | 1969 | |
Mylott | Randy Lee | Mighty Dancer | Allouchsit Gentgeen | 1969 |
Scott | Wayne | He Who Does Good For Others | 1969 | |
Swanson | Jerry | Gentle Chief | 1969 | |
Appel | Harold | Valuable Helper | 1968 | |
Barnes | Harold A | One Who Writes Well | 1968 | |
Boyer | Gary A | Determined Helper | 1968 | |
Caughey | William O | He Who Is Concerned | 1968 | |
Crawmer | Dan | Trustworthy One | 1968 | |
Downes | Stanley C | Confident Chief | 1968 | |
Farnsworth | John | He Who Serves | Allogagan | 1968 |
Fitzgerald | William F | Faithful Servant | 1968 | |
Maxwell | David L | Quiet One | 1968 | |
McKloskey | Michael | One Who Is Recommended | 1968 | |
Minard | R Dale | Trusted Leader | 1968 | |
Palia | David | Reliable One | Nagatamen | 1968 |
Sweet | Henry A Sr | He Who Serves | 1968 | |
Turner | Robert | Bee | Amoe | 1968 |
Andrews | Steve W | Cautious Leader | 1967 | |
Crank | John | Silent Warrior | 1967 | |
Downes | Ted | Esteemed Counselor | 1967 | |
Kaler | Keith A | Helpful One | 1967 | |
Novy | David | Determined Worker | 1967 | |
Seabert | Delbert | One Who Cares | Anatschiton | 1967 |
Tipsord | Martin K | Worker | Mikemossit | 1967 |
Bobell | Terry E | He Who Has Endurance | Ahowoapewi | 1966 |
Caughey | Patrick | One Who Encourages | 1966 | |
Eertmoed | Thomas | Reliable One | Nagatamen | 1966 |
Miller | William L Sr | One Who Exerts Himself | 1966 | |
Mylott | Steven M | He Who Has Proven True | 1966 | |
Pohlman | James A | One Who Is Certain | Awelendam | 1966 |
Rowe | William | One Who Enlightens | 1966 | |
Whitehead | John H | Good Natured One | Tgauschin | 1966 |
Wilson | Graham | Son | Quis | 1966 |
Wilson | Ralph G Jr | One Who Does Good Work | Wulalogewagan | 1966 |
Wilson | Ralph Sr | He Who Does Good For Others | 1966 | |
Hasselberg | Michael R | One Who Creates With Mind | 1965 | |
Kuntz | David | One Of Calm Mind | Klamhattenamin | 1965 |
Tay | William | The South Wind | 1965 | |
Wilson | Douglas A | He Who Is True | Wolamowaganit | 1965 |
Brower | Charles | One Who Does Much Good | 1964 | |
Cameron | Robert Sr | Skillful One | 1964 | |
Davis | Norman | Lover Of Nature | 1964 | |
Fields | Joe | Elder Brother | Chans | 1964 |
Lichtenberger | Dean A | One Who Is Large Of Heart | 1964 | |
Mylott | Bob | One Who Is Conscientious | 1964 | |
Olson | Keith | Trusted Counselor | 1964 | |
Rose | William D | Drum Beater | Pohonasin | 1964 |
Stoughton | Vic | Skillful Leader | 1964 | |
Zalucha | Dennis | Fire Maker | Tindeuchen | 1964 |
Barr | William | One Who Encourages | 1963 | |
Beyer | James | Diligent One | 1963 | |
Erbes | John | Big Mountain | Amangi Wachtschu | 1963 |
Johnson | Charles T | Helper | Witschindin | 1963 |
Kilgus | Ira David | He Who Gives First Aid | Achieis | 1963 |
Middendorf | Robert L | Big Rock | Ganschapuchk | 1963 |
Mueller | Jerry | Understanding One | 1963 | |
Mylott | Deloss E | Dancer Chief | 1963 | |
Purdy | John M | One Who Creates With Hands | 1963 | |
Turner | James H Jr | Dancer | Gentgeen | 1963 |
Wright | Jerold E | Loyal One | Leke | 1963 |
Anderson | Gerald | Humble One | 1962 | |
Brackney | Charles | The Swimmer | Aschowin | 1962 |
Donovan | James | Eagle Hunter | Opalanie Elait | 1962 |
Gornet | Henry P | One Who Can Be Trusted | 1962 | |
Henrichsmeyer | Omer | Hard Worker | Achowalogen | 1962 |
Johnston | John L Jr | Cautious One | Anatschihuwewagan | 1962 |
Magee | John | Jocular One | Achgiguwen | 1962 |
Meyer | Richard L | Strong One | 1962 | |
Rutherford | Allan | Happy One | Wulamallessin | 1962 |
Blum | Carl L | The Worker | 1961 | |
Cruse | Gene | Strength | 1961 | |
Davis | Tom | Ceremonial Chief | 1961 | |
Dooley | James A | Man Of Dedication | 1961 | |
Miller | Dick | Faithful Worker | 1961 | |
Murray | M Merle | Counselor | Atschimolsin | 1961 |
Ragger | Larry | First Among Men | 1961 | |
Simmons | Bob | He Who Seeks To Understand Nature | 1961 | |
Vincent | Richard | Good Work (One Who Does Good Work) | Wulalgewagan | 1961 |
Bock | Douglas | Little Medicine Man | 1960 | |
Davis | Walter Clark | Protector Of The Forest | 1960 | |
Wagner | Edward | Fire Builder | 1960 | |
Barr | Daniel | Standing Elk | 1959 | |
Farley | Wally | Swift Star | 1959 | |
Fisher | Mike | Man Of Faith | 1959 | |
Kuhns | James F | Silent Worker | 1959 | |
Carlson | James L | Smiling Spirit | Getteminak Metschitschank | 1959 |
Fisher | John F | Teacher | 1958 | |
Miller | Joe | The Diligent | Lilchpin | 1958 |
Rediger | Emile | The Builder | Wikhetschik | 1958 |
Saettler | Herman | Worker | 1958 | |
Wesley | Richard | 1958 | ||
Ciota | Armond | A Leader | 1957 | |
Newcomb | Richard L Sr | Arrow Chief | 1957 | |
Planck | Russ | Woodsman | 1957 | |
Smith | Edward | War Bonnet | 1957 | |
Foley | Louis | Echo Maker | Businausee | 1956 |
Foote | Claude | Leader | 1956 | |
Jennings | Eugene | One Who Helps | 1956 | |
Kinert | Donald L | Lively | Achgiguwen | 1956 |
Montgomery | Dale | Little Big Man | 1956 | |
Unks | Gerold | Medicine Man | 1956 | |
Bosworth | Richard | Strong Spirituous | 1955 | |
Collins | Frank | Trader | 1955 | |
Detmar | Robert | Peaceful One | Langundowi | 1955 |
Fink | Robert | The Paddler | 1955 | |
Gigax | John | Little Chief | 1955 | |
Martens | Vernon | Frontiersman | 1955 | |
Wesley | Ed | Steadiness | Clamhattenmoagan | 1955 |
Mattoon | Charles V | West Wind | Linvhen | 1954 |
Rediger | Louis | South Wind | 1954 | |
Houchin | George D | East Wind | Achpateuny | 1954 |
Dierstein | Arthur L | One Who Helps | 1953 | |
Jerding | Bernard P | Doer of Great Deeds | 1952 | |
Carruthers | George S | The Worthy One | Elgixin | 1951 |
Chambers | Robert | Fixed Of Purpose | 1951 | |
Roderick | Clifford O | Modest One | Tachpachiwi | 1951 |
For nearly 100 years, the Order of the Arrow has purposefully recognized Scouts and Scouters who best exemplify the Scout Oath and Law in their daily lives. Therefore, our organization’s centennial provides a unique opportunity to commemorate those among us who are exemplars of the “high ideals and purpose of the Order of the Arrow.” The Centurion Award aims to highlight “Hometown Heroes,” or Arrowmen who have meaningfully contributed to the forming, maturing, and ongoing operational excellence of their local council’s lodge, and who, in doing so, inspired others to follow in their footsteps.
This award is a one-time recognition associated with the centennial anniversary of the OA that is bestowed by the national Order of the Arrow committee. It is modeled after a similar program in the BSA’s 100th anniversary celebration, the 2010 National Hall of Leadership. Accordingly, this recognition is an opportunity to highlight lodge development over the last century and the many individuals, both youth and adult, who were instrumental to this success. These honorees will serve as exemplars of leadership, modeling to others a commitment to cheerful service as the Order of the Arrow enters its second century.
Wenasa Quenhotan Lodge 23 is proud to honor the following recipients with the Centurion Award. These individuals have held unique roles within our lodge’s history and have inspired many others along the way. Their service to Scouting and the Order of the Arrow continues to serve as an example to their brothers.
Stephen P. Cantrell
Kevin J. Walsh
Danny L. “Dan” Wilcoxen
Michael T. Gray
Jeff Vallosio
Steve Rhodes
Matthew H. Sorensen
Michael A. Stobaugh
The Founder’s Award is bestowed once a year to TWO individuals (one youth, one adult). These individuals are recommended by lodge members. There are no specific requirements for being nominated to receive this award. The Lodge Recognition Chairman will select a committee of members at the Fall Conclave to select recipients based off the recommendations made. The award is then presented at the Winter Banquet
When recommending lodge members, please choose those who have a history of living the ideals of the Order of the Arrow in their everyday life, have been and are currently active in the lodge, and whom you reasonably expect to remain active with the Lodge, so as to serve as shining examples of cheerful service and dedication to Scouting and the Order of the Arrow.
Founder’s Award – Fill out online nomination here
Dale Hall | 2024 |
Levi Lohnes | |
Tim Trantham | 2023 |
David Stevenart | |
Jeffrey Greene | 2022 |
Joe Mathews | |
Joey Twardowski | 2021 |
Jon Pritts | |
Conner Husted | 2020 |
Doug Schwalm | |
Terry Hendriex | 2019 |
Trudy Coleman | |
Chase Carter | 2018 |
Scott Fishel | |
Michelle Dalton | 2017 |
Hayden Golemon | |
Paul Oelkers | 2016 |
Mark Smith | |
Matthew Nagle | 2015 |
Philip Hamm | |
James Howard | 2014 |
Nicholas Raupp | |
Craig Wallace | 2013 |
Justin Lane | |
Matthew Garrison | 2012 |
Catharine Lane | |
Michael Gray | 2011 |
Robert Kauffman | 2010 |
Leslie Daniels | |
Wilbur Williamson | 2009 |
Daniel Knapp | |
Matt West | 2008 |
Steve Cantrell | |
Alex Fishel | 2007 |
John Lindahl | |
Tim Freed | 2006 |
Luann Noll | |
David Rosenberg | 2005 |
Dan Wilcoxen | |
David Lane | 2004 |
W. David Voice | |
Will Etheridge | 2003 |
William Dunn | |
Kris Villiger | 2002 |
Ken Villiger | |
J.R. Glenn | 2001 |
Len Mueller | |
Kirk Kittell | 2000 |
Russ Murray | |
Thomas Jakowski | 1999 |
Richard Daughty, Sr | |
Clint W. Sabin | 1998 |
Melvin Lauterbach | 1997 |
Anthony Marzano | 1996 |
Michael Molohon | |
Michael Stobaugh | 1995 |
Michael Bokenewicz | 1994 |
Ron Redenius | |
Joseph E. Leibold | 1993 |
James Wojda | 1992 |
James Stuttle | |
Jamie Ellis | 1991 |
Don Butcher | |
Henry Sinclair | 1990 |
James E. West Fellowship Recipients
Zach Garman | 2006 |
Tim Freed | 2005 |
Dan Roger | 2004 |
The Wenasa Quenhotan Lodge Service Award is given once a year to one individual who has served on the Lodge Executive Committee, and has been an outstanding member by going above and beyond in their duties in the lodge. Please consider those who have lived up to the ideals of the Order of the Arrow in their daily lives and have and will remain active in the lodge.
The Lodge Recognition Chairman will select a committee of members to select a recipient based off of the recommendations submitted. The award will then be presented at the Winter Banquet.
Dale hall | 2024 |
Ben Ragon | 2023 |
Ellen Hall | 2022 |
Joe Mathews | 2021 |
Joey Twardowski | 2020 |
Owen Jones | 2019 |
Terry Hendriex, James Howard | 2018 |
Chase Carter | 2017 |
Jacob Baker | 2016 |
Ian M. Campbell | 2015 |
Mike R. Rosenberg | 2014 |
Stephen R. Hamm | 2013 |
Stephen P. Cantrell | 2012 |
Alex N.D. Beck | 2011 |
Michael T. Gray | 2010 |
Trudy C. Coleman | 2009 |
Matthew L. Wright | 2008 |
Mark L. Smith | 2007 |