Have you ever thought about being part of the lodge ceremonies team? Well, now is an amazing time to get involved!
Starting at Spring Fellowship 2022 the lodge is introducing a new Ceremony Incentive Program! By being part the ceremonies that make the Order of the Arrow inductions so unique, you have the opportunity to earn the exclusive patch set shown here! It consists of a center patch and five lodge flap patches, one for each of the characters in our ceremonies.
Being part of the ceremonies team is a great way to become more active in the lodge and gives you a year-round opportunity to stretch your acting and leadership skills. Ceremonies are among the most enduring traditions of our Order. When you make it part of your experience you can earn a patch for your hard work and dedication.
Don’t like acting or memorizing? There are also many opportunities in ceremonies for people who are less comfortable in speaking roles, and you can still earn really cool patches by participating in the Team category!
Follow the link to learn the requirements for each of the five patches and the center patch pictured here. These patches are not for sale, they can only be earned through this program. Set a goal to earn the entire set and get started today.
The Wenasa Quenhotan Ceremonies Team is growing and constantly evolving to make our ceremonies more meaningful and memorable. We can’t wait to see how you fit in!
How to Earn the Patches